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Home IFE news CLASSES | Phase 3 | COVID-19 emergency

CLASSES | Phase 3 | COVID-19 emergency

From 22nd September 2020 | Modalities and safety rules
CLASSES | Phase 3 | COVID-19 emergency

CLASSES | Phase 3 | COVID-19 emergency

From September 22, 2020 lessons at the University of Macerata will resume. The principle that has guided the teaching organisation in this new phase of the Covid-19 health emergency has been to reconcile the right to education with the safeguarding of health, encouraging the greatest possible participation in academic life, which is a key element for personal growth.

With reference to the master's degree in "International Finance and Economics/IFE" (curriculum of the course "Mercati e Intermediari Finanziari", LM-77), you can find the timetable of the first semester of a.y. 2020/2021 at this link. Attendance is not mandatory, but warmly recommended. Please consult regularly that webpage for further updates.

Classes will be held face-to-face (in presence modality) and online through the access to recorded lessons or other online teaching materials (blended modality).

  • To attend classes face-to-face (in presence modality): students must book the seat at the classroom through the online booking platform:, by using the official UNIMC username and password (for those who has the student ID number "matricola" or by registering to the platform as a new user); search for the course to attend and book the seat at each class’ date and time (it is possible to do that from 15 days, up to the day before). 
    Students must comply with the safety rules to safeguard the University community from the COVID-19 epidemic (ITA):


  • To attend online classes through the access to recorded lessons or other online teaching materials (blended modality): as an enrolled student of the University of Macerata, with the credentials to acces the online platfoms OLAT and Microsoft Teams. The service is granted free of charge to all enrolled students.

Detailed indications for attending classes during Phase 3 are published at this webpage (ENG - updating) and at the dedicated section of the website of the University of Macerata (ITA):