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Home IFE news Interruption of teaching activities, public events, access to libraries and labs

Interruption of teaching activities, public events, access to libraries and labs

From Wednesday 26th February 2020 until and including Wednesday 4th March 2020
Interruption Teaching Activities, Events, Access to Libraries and Labs | Febuary 26 - March 4, 2020

Interruption Teaching Activities, Events, Access to Libraries and Labs | Febuary 26 - March 4, 2020

The President of the Marche Region has signed - as the authority responsible for the protection of hygiene and public health - the contingent and urgent ordinance (Ord. no.1 of 25/02/2020) which establishes, among other things, the interruption of university activities (lectures, exams and graduation sessions) and high professional training and education and professional training courses, except for distance learning activities, starting from Wednesday February 26, 2020 and until and including March 4, 2020 on the territory of the Marche Region.

The University of Macerata - while understanding the serious discomfort that the above-mentioned decisions will entail for the teaching staff, students and families, considering that the methods of adoption of the ordinance (which has not been officially communicated to the University for the other part) do not allow albeit minimal organization and adequate management of the critical issues that will arise from tomorrow, the day on which, among other things, in addition to ordinary activities, degree sessions and open week are scheduled - it can only adapt and take note of the provisions issued that impose the suspension of teaching activities.
Therefore, from tomorrow (Wednesday 26 February) until midnight on 4 March 2020, the following are suspended:
• lessons
• exams
• graduation sessions in progress
• Open Week
• any other public initiative (events, seminars, conferences, ...)
• access to libraries and computer labs

The University's offices and other services will remain regularly operational, unless otherwise specified.


Full-text of order no.1 of February 25, 2020 (Italian language)

The news has been published at the official website of the University of Macerata at this link: (in Italian language)