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Home IFE news New interruption of teaching activities, public events, access to libraries and labs

New interruption of teaching activities, public events, access to libraries and labs

from March 5th 2020 until and including March 15th 2020
New Interruption Teaching Activities, Events, Access to Libraries and Labs | March 5-15,2020

New Interruption Teaching Activities, Events, Access to Libraries and Labs | March 5-15,2020

In compliance with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of March 4th, 2020 (FULL TEXT) - which establishes, among other things, the suspension of the of University activities (lessons, exams and graduation sessions) - except for training activities carried out remotely, starting from March 5th until midnight of March 15th 2020, the following are suspended:

  • face-to-face lessons
  • exams
  • any other public initiative (events, seminars, conferences, ...)
  • access to libraries and computer labs
  • access to offices to the public

The offices are operational to guarantee the ordinary information service via email and by phone reception, unless otherwise provided by the competent authorities.

We will promptly inform you on the evolution of the situation through our University website.

For updates: (ITA) - (ENG)