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Economics Library


For any further information about addresses, opening times and services, please refer to this page on the University Library System website.

OPAC online catalogue

Digital library

University Library System

Reading and borrowing

The Library offers a reading service within its Reading Rooms and a lending out service. Reservation requests for books and magazines must to be forwarded to the Borrowing Office staff: the relative procedures are posted publicly on site. If a book is not returned within the deadline, the Borrowing Office staff will request it back.

The following items are not available for borrowing: text books, manuals, magazines, general reference books, collections, rare books and those printed before 1950, classics.

Services end 15 minutes before closing time.

Heritage and sections

The Library collection consists of books, magazines, and databases in paper format, old collections regarding economic-historical business, statistical-mathematical disciplines.

Books are catalogued using the SBN number, based on a classification scheme organised in sections. The data relating to the books are stored on the OPAC system (Online Public Access Catalogue).

Magazines are catalogued using the SBN number and are stored on the OPAC system.

Databases in paper format – documentation: Banca d'Italia (Italy’s Central Bank), IMF (International Monetary Fund), ISTAT (National Statistics Institute), OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), ECB (European Central Bank), Unioncamere, ISVAP (from January 2013 IVASS - Insurance Supervisory Authority), etc.

The Library hosts two old collections:

The FBC Collection (Central Library Collection) which gathers books coming from the “Central Library” of Macerata. It includes 1009 volumes published between 1807 and 1961. They include works by Italian, French and English authors and deal with economic policy, finance sciences, statistics, money and credit.

The RO.RA. Collection (Rossi Ragazzi Collection), which is a very rich and diverse collection, consisting of more than 900 works.

Catalogues in paper format about collections with chronological indexes, by author, by title and by subject are available on location. Catalogues are included on the OPAC system.