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Students' performance will be assessed through written and/or oral exams, as decided for each course by the professor. The grading system goes from 1/30 to a maximum of 30/30 cum laude; the minimum pass mark is 18/30, according to Italian University rules. The total amount of credits to graduate at the end of the two years of Master's degree is 120, which corresponds to 1500 hours per year. A course unit will be allocated with credits when an examination is passed by the student with a minimum grade of 18/30.

Exams may be oral, written, or both. The examinations rules of each professor are explained on the website. The evaluation assesses the understanding of the topics, the control of the specific vocabulary for the subject, the accuracy of the concepts, the ability to use the concepts in individual case studies, the effectiveness of the expression, the ability to re-using autonomously and originally the contents. The examination committees are regulated by the Academic Regulations.

The examination is subject to its reservation that is made online. To register for an exam, students must enter on ESSE3 ( through their user ID and password, fill in the online questionnaire and sign up within the lapse of time from 15 days before the date of the examination and until 2 days before.

Tutorial is available here:

If the online reservation fails, students can send an e-mail to indicating name, surname, student code (numero di matricola), and examination for which the reservation was attempted and, most importantly, the indication of the problem. If the student has not been able to register for reasons that the President of the Commission considers justified, the student can also be admitted to the examination, together with the other students regularly registered.

According to University’s Rules and Regulations, students "will not be able to take exams and therefore gain credits in the Master’s degree program before taking the interview(s) with the referee(s) for filling the gaps. In this case, exams will be nullified”Students who did not regularly pay fees can register for exams but will not find the passed exams in their transcripts, neither the online one, not the printed one.



The full timetable will be published one month before the exam periods. Sometimes, exams dates and hours can be postponed: for this reason, students are recommended to visit the examinations website often to find out any possible change in the timetable and in the calendar of exams.